Pigment Paste
Pigment Paste
Pigment Paste
  • product categories
  • Pigment Paste

Pigment Properties

CHEMITONE® Pigment Pastes are made of high quality organic and inorganic pigments that are ground into special formulated resins. It’s suitable for indoor and outdoor applications.

All of the pigments we use have already been tested by the manufacturers in different binder systems.

Every new pigment is additionally tested in an extensive qualification procedure which also includes compatibility, accelerated and outdoor weathering as well as abrasion resistance in cured resin.



For application in composites industry, this pigment paste is ready to mix in to UP Resin, Gelcoats, VE Resin by slow mechanical mixers or by hand (small quantity). More powerful mixing may be needed when used in high filler systems.

This pigment paste is created as a colouring medium for compression moulding, pultrusion, SMC, BMC, injection moulding, flat sheeting production, casting, and general composite construction involving styrenated polyester resins, epoxies, P.U and etc.

# First Last Handle
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter
# First Last Handle
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter

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